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遊艇型號 Model

Specification and Facilities
9 am - 5pm
51 pax
60 ft
Amenities & Service:
Optional Service:
9 am - 5pm
51 pax
60 ft
Sai Wan Ho / Kwun Tong / Shau Kei Wan
Washroom, Karaoke, TV & Audio Equip, Air-conditioner, Life Jacket, Microwave, Fridge, Tableware, Mahjong & Dice Cup, Socket
Wakeboard, Banana Boat, Water Tube, Floating Noodles, Food Delivery
*Any optional services,Please contact us for details.
基本政策 Basic Policy確認訂單後,任何改期及取消必需根據取消政策及惡劣天氣安排進行。 確認訂單後,不可減少任何附加服務,以及訂單人數,客人必須需依照帳單資料內容繳付費用。如附加服務及人數有增加,需在最少上船前5天通知更改。 登船時如超出訂單人數,客人需補回當日船費之差額。登船人數少於訂單人數,客人仍需依照訂單人數繳付費用。 敬請提早到達碼頭,逾時顧客自負。 由於最終航道需按照預訂當日的天氣情況才能落實,所有航道附加費請於出海當日繳交船家即可。 租船期間,如設施遭到任何損壞,租用人須負責支付修理費用;如有任何設備、器具、裝置或其他財物遭到損壞或損毀(正常損耗除外)、偷竊或被移走,租用人亦須支付修理、修復或重新購置有關物品的費用。 所有船隻均按照香港法例購有法例規定之各項保險,任何乘客攜來之財物,應自行負責其本身之安全保障,於出租船上發生任何損傷或失竊,本公司恕不負責,但可代安排報警處理。 如有額外需求,乘客可自備保險。 - Upon reservation confirmation, any changes or cancellation will be subjected to the cancellation/bad weather policy. Once the booking is confirmed, extra service and the number of boarding guests cannot be cancel or modified as less than that of the reservation, customers will still have to pay according to the original number of guests. Additional fee per person will be charged if the number of boarding guests exceed that of the reservation. If the number of boarding guests is less than that of the reservation, customers will still have to pay according to the original number of guests. Cruise destination will be subjected to the weather condition on the boarding day, any additional fee will be paid to the owner directly. The hirer shall be responsible to meet the cost of repairing any damage caused to the yacht, and of repairing or reinstating or replacing any its parts damaged or destroyed (fair wear and tear excepted), stolen or removed during the use of the yacht. Followed by the Hong Kong Ordinances, it is mandatory to have a 3rd party boat insurance coverage for your boat. But customers should take care for their own properties. Our company is not responsible for any damages or loss. Please seek for police's help if needed. Customers can purchase extra insurances if it is needed.
惡劣天氣安排 Bad Weather Arrangement遇上惡劣天氣,船家會因應情況而決定出船與否以及該天的路線行程,一切以安全為上。船家保留一切出船與否以及決定行程之權力。 如出航前懸掛一號風球或紅色暴雨警告,或出航前兩小時如由較高風球改為一號風球及黑色暴雨警告改為紅色暴雨警告,船將會如常開航。租賃人應與船家保持密切聯絡,以確定該天行程安排。 如於出航日開航前兩小時仍懸掛三號風球或以上或黑色暴雨警告,根據預訂空缺,預訂可更改至該年度10月份或以後之相等日子;若欲更改為該年度10月份前之相等日子,租賃人可能須付額外費用(詳情需自行向船家查詢)。 如於租用時間內轉掛三號或更高風球或黑色暴雨警告,依海事條例及安全起見,船家有權提早回航, 餘時將不作補償及改期。 任何取消或改期,船家代租賃人預訂之物品及飲食,如因食物已製或其他因素,租賃人仍須承擔餐飲及物品之費(詳情需自行向船家查詢)。 客人不得選擇退款。一切更改安排須於一星期內辦妥,否則視為自動放棄所有權利論。 若船因天氣因素不能於指定碼頭停泊乘客而需轉換另一碼頭,租賃人需根據船家建議之碼頭上落船。 租賃人只可以更改預訂時間一次。 - 1. For safety reason, vessel owners reserve all rights to cancel or reroute the boat trip in terms of the adverse weather condition. 2. Boat trip remains scheduled when: i) Typhoon signal 1 or Red rainstorm signal are hoisted ii) 2 hours before departure, higher number of Typhoon signal changes to Typhoon signal 1 or Black rainstorm signal changes to Red rainstorm signal Customers should stay contact with vessel owners to confirm all arrangements when adverse weather occurs. 3. If the Black rainstorm signal or Typhoon signal 3 or above is still hoisted 2 hours before departure on the scheduled date, the trip is allowed to reschedule. The rescheduling date should be on or after October in the same year, for the same weekdays or weekends as the original (depends on availability). If the rescheduling date is before October in the same year, fees may applied (please contact vessel owners for details). 4. Followed by the Hong Kong Shipping Ordinances and for safety reason, when the Black rainstorm signal or Typhoon signal 3 or above is hoisted during the rental hours, vessel owners reserve the right to return at an earlier time than scheduled. No compensation will be provided. 5. Customers have to pay extra cost for the ordered beverages and extra items charged due to the cancellation and reschedule. 6. Refund is not allowed under any circumstance. All rearrangement should be settled within 7 days (starting from the scheduled date for boat trip), otherwise considered as demission. 7. The pick-up point may change due to the weather condition, it is required to follow vessel owners' advises. 8. Customers can only rescheduling date once.
取消政策 Cancellation Policy更改: 租賃人若欲於繳付預訂金額後更改預訂日期,必須於開船前兩個星期提出更改(除惡劣天氣),否則不設更改。 根據預訂空缺,預訂可更改至該年度10月份或以後之相等日子,若欲更改為該年度10月份前之相等日子,租賃人須繳付手續費(更改日期該天船河價格之20%)。 如租賃人最初預訂之日子為平日,更改之日子也必須為平日;如租賃人最初預訂之日子為假日,更改之預訂日子必須為假日,並需自行承擔一切更新預訂之差額。 租賃人只可以更改預訂時間一次。 本公司不接受更改船隻 任何取消或改期,船家代租賃人預訂之物品及飲食,如因餐飲已製或其他因素,租賃人仍須承擔其費用並自行如期到出發處取回物品及飲食自行分發。 出航前船隻機件發生故障,而未能及時修復,船家將儘快通知租賃人改期或在許可情況下另以相約等級之船代替,或顧客可選擇退還船租。 取消預訂: 租賃人若在繳付預訂金額後取消預訂,所有預訂金額不設退還。 - Reschedule: Reschedule is not allowed if the departure date is less than 2 weeks after the booking fee is paid (except rearrangement due to bad weather). Customers should follow the chosen cancellation policy selected by the vessel owners if needed to reschedule the boat trip any dates before October in the same year. The service charge applied for rescheduling is 20% of the rental price of the original date. If the original departure date is on weekday, the reschedule day must be on weekday. If it is on weekend, the reschedule day must be on weekend. Charge may be applied for reschedule. Customer can only reschedule the date for once. We do not accept any changes of vessel type. Any cancellation and reschedule, customers still have to pay the ordered beverages and extra items by own responsibilities. If the vessel fails to operate and cannot be fixed, the owner will notify customers to reschedule or choose another similar vessel. Customers can choose to refund. Cancellation: The reservation fee is non-refundable after the payment.
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